Friday, May 2, 2014

Enhancement of solar tracking system


Solar energy is rapidly gaining notoriety as an important means of expanding renewable energy resources. As such, it is vital that those in engineering fields understand the technologies associated with this area. My project will include the design and construction of a microcontroller-based solar panel tracking system. Solartracking allows more energy to be produced because the solar array is able to remain aligned to the sun. This system builds upon topics learned in this course. A working system will ultimately be demonstrated to validate the design. Problems and possible improvements will also be presented.


Renewable energy solutions are becoming increasingly popular. Photovoltaic (solar) systems are but one example. Maximizing power output from a solar system is desirable to increase efficiency. In order to maximize power output from the solar panels, one needs to keep the panels aligned with the sun. As such, a means oftracking the sun is required. This is a far more cost effective solution than purchasing additional solar panels. It has been estimated that the yield from solar panels can be increased by 30 to 60 percent by utilizing a tracking system instead of a stationary array [1]. This project develops an automatic tracking system which will keepthe solar panels aligned with the sun in order to maximize efficiency.
This paper begins with presenting background theory in light sensors and stepper motors as they apply to the project. The paper continues with specific design methodologies pertaining to photocells, stepper motors and drivers, microcontroller selection, voltage regulation, physical construction, and a software/system operation explanation. The paper concludes with a discussion of design results and future work.

Evolution of Solar Tracker

Since the sun moves across the sky throughout the day, in order to receive the best angle of exposure to sunlight for collection energy. A tracking mechanism is often incorporated into the solar arrays to keep the array pointed towards the sun. 
A solar tracker is a device onto which solar panels are fitted which tracks the motion of the sun across the sky ensuring that the maximum amount of sunlight strikes the panels throughout the day. When compare to the price of the PV solar panels, the cost of a solar tracker is relatively low. 
Most photovoltaic (PV) solar panels are fitted in a fixed location- for example on the sloping roof of a house, or on framework fixed to the ground. Since the sun moves across the sky though the day, this is far from an ideal solution. 
Solar panels are usually set up to be in full direct sunshine at the middle of the day facing South in the Northern Hemisphere, or North in the Southern Hemisphere. Therefore morning and evening sunlight hits the panels at an acute angle reducing the total amount of electricity which can be generated each day. 

Solar Tracker

Solar Tracker is basically a device onto which solar panels are fitted which tracks the motion of the sun across the sky ensuring that the maximum amount of sunlight strikes the panels throughout the day. After finding the sunlight, the tracker will try to navigate through the path ensuring the best sunlight is detected. 
The design of the Solar Tracker requires many components. The design and construction of it could be divided into six main parts, each with their main function. 

Double axis solar trackers

Double axis solar trackers have both a horizontal and a vertical axle and so can track the Sun's apparent motion exactly anywhere in the World. Figure 4 shows a Solar Tracker using horizontal and vertical axle. This type of system is used to control astronomical telescopes, and so there is plenty of software available to automatically predict and track the motion of the sun across the sky By tracking the sun, the efficiency of the solar panels can be increased by 30-40%.The dual axis tracking system is also used for concentrating a solar reflector toward the concentrator on heliostat systems.


During the day the sun appears to move across the sky from left to right and up and down above the horizon from sunrise to noon to sunset. Figure shows the schematic above of the Sun's apparent motion as seen from the Northern Hemisphere. 
To keep up with other green energies, the solar cell market has to be as efficient as possible in order not to lose market shares on the global energy marketplace. There are two main ways to make the solar cells more efficient, one is to develop the solar cell material and make the panels even more efficient and another way is to optimize the output by installing the solar panels on a tracking base that follows the sun.

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